Welcome to the PenRight! Forum!
Thank you for coming to the PenRight! Forum. Please feel free to read
messages and submit your own for all of us PenRight! employees and
customers to respond to.
We do have a few guidelines: Please do not post obscenities. Please
only use HTML tags if you know
what you are doing. Please only post related web site URL's. Any
message not following the guidelines will be removed.
This form is best viewed when it is this size:
User: Phillip B. Shoemaker (PenRight! Corporation)
Email: shoemak@penright.com
Message: Welcome to the PenRight! Forum
This area is intended to be used to discuss topics relating to the
PenRight! environment. Feel free to post questions about PenRight!,
PenRight! contract work, etc.
Thanks and welcome to the forum!
User: Ermanno Mantovani
Email: pentech@studios.it
Message: Pop up keyboard
I have a new problem with the pen*key 6300 is about the pop up keybooard and system messagge that penright would display in the middle of the screen.
The penright don't remember the second time that i run the application that the screen is only 320 pixel wide and put the keyboard outside of the screen.
I have written my application in 2 EXE files that call them self and the comunication program PSROM0C, so i need to run more than once my application.
In the penright manual I don't find any eplanation about the x and y parameters that we indicate in the PENR!API command line.
If you know the problem or other people that have the same problem let me know as soon as possible.
Best Regards
Mantovani Ermanno Tel. : +39 59 695698
Via Vasco de Gama 2b Email : pentech@studios.it
41012 Carpi (M0)
User: Christophe Labbe
Email: labbe@montrouge.m-s.slb.com
Message: MsAllocate and SetListChoiceRead...
It seems that there 's a bug with the user-defined verbs given by penright!
SetListChoiceRead("filename",formId , listId ) as a matter of fact it allocate memory
for the string 'str' which will receive the list items from the file
and then use LstSetListChoice but after they don't Free this memory...!!!
if you have a small amount of available memory and a big list you may have some
troubles if you use this verb ! just had a MsFree( &str, &error ) and it should be ok ...
User: Chris Temple
Email: ctpenright@aol.com
A major PenRight! OEM hardware partner has an immediate need for a PenRight! based application
performing 3270 emulation on a pen-based hand-held. If anyone has or knows of an application with this functionality please
post on this forum or e-mail Chris Temple at ctpenright@aol.com with details and for more information.
User: Phillip B. Shoemaker
Email: shoemak@penright.com
Message: MsAllocate and SetListChoiceRead...
Christophe... You are correct! We went back and looked at the user verbs example we ship
with the product, and noticed that we are lacking an MsFree(..) at the end. Our fix was,
quite simply, the addition of an MsFree(str, &error) at the end of the function.
Thanks for the catch!
User: Todd Battista
Email: tech@digisys.net
Message: Intergrating PenRight! running on EHT-30 with Novell 3.x or 4.x
Has anyone had experience intergrating PenRight's database with Novell 3.x or 4.x for data transfer.
We are using an Epson EHT-30 and a Xircom wireless PCMCIA ethernet card for a wireless vending ordering
User: Chris Temple
Email: temple@penright.com
Message: Pen Computing Magaines Looking for Sales Force Auto Applications for November COMDEX Issue
*******Public Relations Opportunity Alert*******
WANTED: Pen Right! Pen-based Solutions in Field Sales Automation
Pen Computing Magazine will feature a special section in the November
(COMDEX) issue called "Focus: Pen Computing in Field Sales Automation".
We are looking for success stories using pen-based systems in a variety of OS (PenRight!)and hardware plaforms. These solutions contain the basic press release-style information on the specific solution, including hardware and software used, contact names
, and project results if available. Length should not exceed 500 words. They don't have to be pretty, just factual. We'll make them pretty.
It is our intention to spread to word about the many ways pen systems can help user in field sales. If you would like to contribute, or know someone who might, please contact me. Deadline for all submissions is September, 27 1996.
Dave MacNeill
Senior Editor, Pen Computing Magaine
User: Christophe Labbe
Email: labbe@montrouge.m-s.slb.com
Message: Platform Specific Information
On your web page "Platfrom Specific Information" you wrote for the EHT30 :
in Designform : location 10, 70
x=300 y=450
and for the Config.sys
I have tryed your given location and x and y values : It doesn't seem to work,
I personnaly use these values :
in designform ( for the form properties )
location 1,321
x=218 y=318
and no device=himem.sys in the config.sys file
Do you know what are these values for a Penkey 6100 ( Norand ) ?
and the specific information for this platform ??
Best regards
User: woodman@penright.com
Email: Peter Woodmansee
Message: Epson EHT-30/40 layout in PenRight! Design Form
The info on the EHT-30/40 was mistyped. The correct info is as follows:
To use the full screen in Portrait mode you can use 0,320 as your starting coordinates,
and a size of 200, 320. You will also want to use the SetDisplayOrientation(3) verb
to rotate all forms to the portrait orientation on the unit.
If you are using the EHT-40 be sure to load our MODE3.EXE program
so PenRight! will end up in a true mode 6 when running.
User: Peter Woodmansee
Email: Woodman@penright.com
Message: Norand 6100
When designing forms in PenRight! for the Norand 6100 assuming portrait mode,
you will want to use the coordinates 0,0 and a size of 240, 320. You will also
want to set the orientation to east. SetDisplayOrientation(3);
User: Christophe Labbe
Email: labbe@montrouge.m-s.slb.com
Message: Communication...
Is it possible to perform a communication with a baud rate better than 19200 with Penright! ver 3.6 for DOS ?
We are using the ZMODEM protocol to transfer files and we would like to increase the baud rate to reduce the time used
for this transfer...
Best regards
User: Chris Lyman
Email: discobob@ix.netcom.com
Message: DTR-1
I have a Dauphin DTR-1. My pen broke! Does anyone *please* know where I
can get a replacement.
Thank you so much in advance.
User: Grant Skellenger
Email: gskellenger@scansource.com
Message: When to use a Pen Computing Solution
This question is not specific to PenRight!, but as pen developers perhaps
you can give me a suggestion or five. ;-) When should I pursue a
pen-based solution as opposed to a more conventional, non-pen-based
solution. Although there are many environments into which pen-based
solutions are finding their way, I am curious what it is that makes a
an application particularly suited to a pen-based solution.
If you do not have time to answer this question, if you are
able even to suggest a URL or four that might answer this
question, I will be grateful.
Thank you for your assistance.
User: Peter Woodmansee
Email: woodman@penright.com
Message: 19200 baud limitation in datacomm
The datacommunications libs that are included with PenRight! have a limitation of 19200 baud. A developer of PenRight! has the ability to pull these default datacomm libs out and link in any libs he/she prefers.
User: Peter Woodmansee
Email: woodman@penright.com
Message: Dauphin / DTR-1
Dauphin can be reached at: (847) 358-4406. I suspect they would have replacements parts for their hardware. For your reference, Dauphin and other hardware manufactures can be found in the lastest Pen Computing Magazine.
User: Ray Knight (ClientLink Corporation)
Email: rknight@clientlink.com
Message: PenRight! for Windows Script Language
I have the PenRight for Windows Toolkit Demo and a PenRight! Pro API Reference Guide
from July 1993. The Script language in the Toolkit Demo is missing some of the Verbs
documented in the Reference Manual. Are these verbs also missing from PenRight! for
Windows? If so, why are they not there?
This is the list of missing verbs: ClearStack, CloseForm, DrawGraphic, EnableGraphic,
GetActiveForm, GetControlId, GetCurrentFieldId, GetEventsObject, GetGraphicPtr,
GetRscString, InitStack, PostEvent, and SetFieldProperty.'
User: John Fox
Message: Do you know of any LCD screens that can be used with a PC and Penright. This would not be a mobile setup. thanks
User: Phillip B. Shoemaker (PenRight!)
Email: shoemak@penright.com
Message: PenRight! for Windows Script Language
Ray! Thanks for pointing that out. Yes, they are still absent from the list of verbs in
PenRight! for Windows 1.0. This has been noted, and will NOT be the case for 2.0. In fact,
I think you will be fairly impressed with the number of improvements as far as that is
concerned. These calls ARE still there in PenRight! for DOS and PenRight! for Windows,
they just haven't been externalized by putting them in the list. In fact, if you really
want them in the list, I have a quick and easy way to add them yourself (involves tweaking
our resource file). Email me if you want information on how to do this.
User: Christophe Labbe
Email: labbe@montrouge.m-s.slb.com
Message: Key Enter on Penkey 6100
I would like to use the Enter key on the Penkey 6100 after having filled a numerique field
to save the value ( and do some controles ) so generate a 'fielEnterEvent' and then call
the function that do the controle and the backup.
Do you know how to do it ??
Thank you in advance.
User: Ann Petrucci
Email: 105010.62@compuserve.com
Message: Application Development Resource
I am an experienced application programmer (13 years), with Penright! Pro
development experience, seeking contract work with pen-based systems.
I also have experience with RF, real-time, mobile client (MDT),
workforce-management applications.
I have worked extensively with the end user, and helped customers to
design, test, document, and train users on the application.
Hours and rates are flexible, so give me a call with any pen-based
application needs.
User: Chris Temple
Email: Temple@Penright.com
Message: The Handheld Computer Almanac
As a follow-up to the 1996 edition of the Handheld System Integrator Directory, Creative Digital Inc. is expanding the scope of the publication to include more aspects of the handheld computing market. The result is The Handheld Computer Almanac, a printe
d publication that will be available in the first quarter of 1997.
If your company is involved in hardware, software, peripherals,
consulting, systems integration, distribution, sales, publishing, accessories, or anything else having to do with handheld computers, you should be in this directory. There will be separate li
stings for each company, plus sections for each type of product and service. In addition, The Handheld Computer Almanac will have extensive indices (platform, application area, and industry), cross references, and editorial material.
If you would like to have your company included in the Almanac, you need to get a submission form from our Web site (http://www.cdpubs.com), fill it out, and send it back to us by January 15, 1997. If you don�t have Web access, send us an e-mail at hhca@c
dpubs.com, or call us at 415.621.4252, and we will send a submission form to you. We prefer that you e-mail the response, so that we don�t have to retype the information (and potentially introduce typing errors), but we will accept faxed submissions if ne
User: cessary. There is no charge for being listed in The Handheld Computer Almanac.
Email: We reserve the right to limit the length of each entry, and edit them as appropriate. We expect to distribute several thousand of these directories throughout the world. Sorry, but the Almanac is for commercial products and services only. We won�t be incl
Message: uding shareware and freeware.
Creative Digital Inc.
293 Corbett Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94114
415.621.4252 415.621.4922 (Fax)
steve@cdpubs.com 74774.50@compuserve.com
User: Jon Murphy
Email: jmurf@n2.net
Message: Double Byte Character Support
Are double byte characters supported in PenRight!
I need to translate my PenRight! application to display text
that is double byte(Asian languages such as Kanji). I
do not need double byte character recognition.
User: Jon Murphy
Email: SKF Condition Monitoring
Message: (619)496-3485
User: Peter Woodmansee
Email: Woodman@penright.com
Message: Double Byte Character Support
Currently there is no support for double byte characters. This will surely be supported in a future version of the runtime. This will be a major runtime change and there is no timeline for a starting date at this time.
User: John Ramsauer
Email: jramsauer@pananet.com
Message: Pen Base Applications in Health Care
We are the Telxon Distributors in Panama. We also represent SAP and Software AG for the region and among our key customers is
the Panamanian Social Security Administration. We would like to
explore mobile pen based solutions interfaced to Software AG Natural Database system
User: Dan Lemay
Email: lemayd@cadvision.com
Message: GPF when using Integrated Debug Environment of Turbo C++
I am using PenRight! Pro version 3.6 with Borland Turbo C++ version 3.0. I have recently
encountered an error I'm hoping you can shed some light upon.
I'm using the database functions and everything was working fine until I added an index
to my database file. Now, when I create the database with DbmCreate, everything gets
created including the .mdx file as expected. However, the next time I run the program,
a general protection fault occurs at the DbmOpen command. This happens only within the Integrated
Debug Environment (IDE) of Turbo C++, regardless of whether I am running it in Windows
or DOS. Running the .exe file directly from Windows or DOS works with no problems.
I can run the program in the IDE when I remove the index file. But within the IDE and
with the index file, it crashes. It says it encountered a GPF at 3C54:2488 but looking
at my map file, my program is nowhere near this.
User: /***** Variable declarations ***********/
User: CODE4 cb; /* CodeBase data structure */
Email: FIELD4INFO well_field4[];
Message: TAG4INFO well_tag4[];
PR_DBMPTR well_dbDataPtr;
PR_DBMMAP well_mapinfo;
User: /******************************************************************
Email: well table
Message: ******************************************************************/
FIELD4INFO well_field4[] =
/* field name, type, width, decimals */
{"well_num", 'N', 3, 0 },
{"tube_prs", 'N', 5, 0 },
{"case_prs", 'N', 5, 0 },
{"line_prs", 'N', 5, 0 },
{"diff_prs", 'N', 5, 0 },
{"flow_prs", 'N', 5, 0 },
{"open_flu", 'N', 5, 0 },
{"clse_flu", 'N', 5, 0 },
{"ship_flu", 'N', 5, 0 },
{"prod_flu", 'N', 5, 0 },
{"temperat", 'N', 3, 0 },
{"hours", 'N', 2, 0 },
User: /***** Index on well_num ****/
User: TAG4INFO well_tag4[] =
Email: {
Message: /* name, expression, filter, unique, descending */
{"well_tag", "well_num", "", r4unique_continue, 0},
User: /***** map to form ****/
User: PR_DBMMAP well_mapinfo[] =
Email: {
Message: /* FormID, ObjectID, ObjectType, DBField */
{frm_welldata1, fld_welldata1_tubepress, Field, "tube_prs"},
{frm_welldata1, fld_welldata1_casepress, Field, "case_prs"},
{frm_welldata1, fld_welldata1_linepress, Field, "line_prs"},
{frm_welldata1, fld_welldata1_diffpress, Field, "diff_prs"},
{frm_welldata1, fld_welldata1_flowpress, Field, "flow_prs"},
{frm_welldata2, fld_welldata2_open, Field, "open_flu"},
{frm_welldata2, fld_welldata2_close, Field, "clse_flu"},
{frm_welldata2, fld_welldata2_ship, Field, "ship_flu"},
{frm_welldata2, fld_welldata2_production, Field, "prod_flu"},
{frm_welldata2, fld_welldata2_temperature, Field, "temperat"},
{frm_welldata2, fld_welldata2_hours, Field, "hours"},
User: PR_DBMDATA well_dbinfo = {&cb, "well_dat", well_mapinfo};
Email: PR_DBMPTR well_dbDataPtr = &well_dbinfo;
User: /***** AppEnter code ******/
User: InitForm(frm_welldata1);
Email: InitForm(frm_welldata2);
Message: DbmInitialize(well_dbDataPtr); // open well_dat table
User: dataerror = DbmOpen(well_dbDataPtr); // GPF occurs here in IDE only
Email: if (dataerror)
Message: dataerror= DbmCreate(well_dbDataPtr, well_field4, well_tag4);
if (dataerror)
printf("Open file error: %d", dataerror);
User: The problem probably has something to do with a compiler setting. If you can offer any
Email: suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated.
User: Thank-you very much,
User: Dan Lemay
Email: lemayd@cadvision.com
User: Ray Knight (ClientLink Corporation)
Email: rayk@clientlink.com
Message: Code Resources.
I have some code that I would like to make into a code resource. All the example make
files I can find for this are specific to the Borland compilers. I am using Microsoft
Visual C++ 1.52 and need to create a code resource for DOS. I have not been successful in
doing this. I even tried recompiling and relinking the source for the scroll code resource
and it would not work after I created it with the Microsoft compiler. I would appreciate
any information you could provide on how to do this with Microsoft tools.
User: Heikki Luoma
Email: tria@clinet.fi
Message: Scandinavian letters
Does Penright support Scandinavian letters - you know - a with dots, o with dots
and a with a circle?
Is Penright compatible with Windows CE?
Do you have an reseller in Finland and if not do you want to have?
User: Ramon Rivas
Email: fer.pop@codetel.net.do
Message: Beta version of PenRight DOS and Microsoft Windows
I 'd like evaluate the version of PenRight DOS and Microsoft Windows, because I 'm a
software developer, and I 'm interesting in develop in this plataform.
User: Ramon Rivas
Email: fer.pop@codetel.net.do
Message: Beta version of PenRight DOS and Microsoft Windows
I 'd like evaluate the version of PenRight DOS and Microsoft Windows, because I 'm a
software developer, and I 'm interesting in develop in this plataform.
User: Travis Strong
Email: traviss@rconnect.com
Message: penright and overlays
I am trying to use the Microsoft Overlay manager (MOVE) to create an overlayed executable out of my PenRight! application. My problem is that when I run my application, PenRight! can't seem to find any of it's resources. Is there something special I ne
ed to do to make sure that the penright libs are still in memory? I have the codestart generated file in the root (overlay 0) and didn't specify anything about code segments in the PenRight! libraries. Everything works fine without the overlays - but I'
m going to need them in the near future.
User: berghman
Email: berghman@popalex1.linknet.net
Message: PenRight programmer wanted
We our looking for a PenRight for Windows Programmer
(contractor) to develop an application
for a PTC-1144 (Telxon).
User: for more information
Email: contact: Annick Berghman
Message: GIS Manager
Walsh Environmental, Inc.
11638 Sun Belt Court
Baton Rouge, LA 70809
phone: (504) 751-4200
e-mail: berghman@popalex1.linknet.net
User: Christophe Labbe
Email: labbe@montrouge.m-s.slb.com
Message: BE CAREFUL using the canvas editor with penres... ( ver 6.2 )
I nearly lose all my project ! In "penres" I was working on my project ( project.res ) and
I wanted to create a canvas using the canvas editor so I used "tools" and canvas editor...
I drew a canvas with padpaint.exe and I did 'save' ( and I was expecting this program to ask me
to enter a file name !! not ! it saved the .pcx picture as project.res !!! without warning
that it was overwriting an existing file !! )...
So be careful with this canvas editor...
Best regards
User: Andrea Tatone
Email: a.tatone@benice.it
Message: PenRight! with Clipper
I'm looking for the ability to develop my Pen-application with Clipper.
C is great, but for develop database-oriented application I prefer to use
Clipper. Is there anyone who Can help me to find the way ?
(Using PenRight C library in Clipper, or ...)
User: Thomas McKennon
Email: tommck@ix.netcom.com
Message: Using PDA's in a CORBA Environment
I am designing a distributed environment using VisiBroker form Visigenic. My application requires hand held devices. If I use Penright for GEOS or Penright for Windows in conjuction with Symbol's Wireless Lan servers (and the appropriate TCP/IP stacks),
can I use the output from the VisiBroker IDL compilers (C++) to allow my PDA application to participate in the distributed environment.
User: Fred Laurent
Email: frederic.laurent@ccmail.edt.fr
Message: Penright graphical development
I would like to now how to simulate a registration form indexed on penright
It's for a demonstration
I need to show on a same form, five cycliq registration forms displayed by a up and down
I know how to do this with visual basic but I'm starting with Penright
If you have some samples or some advices
Thanks alot
User: Bus Henry
Email: bhenry@psd.symbol.com
Message: PenRight for Windows 2.02
I would like to get on the BETA list for your V2.02 product. Robert Reysner from PenRight was here this week and gave some of us a PenRight Class. He mentioned that we could get on the list for the new BETA Version. If this is possible, please contact me. And, thanks for the class, we enjoyed it!
Bus Henry
Symbol Technologies.
User: Hanan-1
Email: hmuhaisen@hotmail.com
Message: Hey everyone.
User: Ed Moore
Email: eamoore@flash.net
Message: What is the status of penright for windows.
I just downloaded the penright for windows demo disk and was very disappointed. It appears that the application was developed using the Borland 4.0 compiler. Their most current version is 5.0 if you do not count C++ Builder. the 4.0 version is almost 3 years old. Have you had any updates recently? I saw some references to 2.x but could not find any references to it here. Any Information would be greatly appreciated.
Ed Moore
User: Peter Woodmansee
Email: woodman@penright.com
Message: Status of PenRight! for Windows
The PenRight! for Windows 1.x demo was generated using Borland 4.0. This was created roughly 2 years ago prior to the 5.x release. As far as the non demo PenRight! environment goes, you can use most compilers. As an example, we support Borland versions 3.0 up to the current 5.x version for code generation.
On another note I would like to mention that we will soon be releasing the PenRight! for Windows 2.0 product. Unlike the 1.x version which was basically an importer allowing you to take a PR 3.x DOS code and generate windows applications, the 2.0 tool is a FULL featured development environment complete with mobile wizards, VBX support, many new design features and ease of use.
For more marketing information regarding our 2.0 product please contact Chris Temple. Our main number here at PenRight! is: (510) 249-6900
User: Lucky am I
Email: luckyami@aol.com
Message: Hiya!
Hi everyone!
User: Jerry Finn
Email: finnjj@ems.com
Message: General Database stradegy
I'm working application where files will be uploaded and downloaded to multiple platform hosts, UNIX, VMS, WIN NT. And the files are written by a non C language to ASCII files and downloaded to my norand 6100. I'm compiling in Borland C++ 4.5. There doesnt seem to be any good was to process purely ascii files, text mode, as opposed to binary. Should I read these files and rewrite them in a binary format, int stored in 2 bytes vs as a string etc., process them and then rewrite them as ASCII before sending them back to the host? This would double memory requirements for the database. OR is there an efficient was to process purely ascii files, updateing records, searching certain fields for a value, appending records? Is there a problems using fseek on file opened in text mode? I've always processed files in binary mode in previous applications. Any good sources, books or examples to share?
User: Christophe Labbe
Email: labbe@montrouge.m-s.slb.com
Message: Field Id
If in a project I have for instance 3 forms with the same kind of buttons in each form to go
from one form to another one, can I use the same Id for these buttons ( the forms Id of course
are different ) ??
I work with Penright 3.62, I did that for a moment and it does work but I am a bit afraid
that something could go wrong when my project would be bigger...
User: Klaus Aurer
Email: KlausAurer@aol.com
Message: developing for epson eht-30
where can i get more information about developing applications for epson eht 30 with penright pro. thanks klaus
User: Armando Micheletti
Email: armando.micheletti@st.com
Message: Memory management under dos
Hi everybody,
We are developing, with IBM and Norand Italy, a DOS (ver 5.0) based application for
the Norand PEN*KEY 6100. We use PenRight! 3.6 for DOS. Our main problem is memory.
We tried using EMM386 with RAM parameter but we were not able to get any single extra
byte of memory despite of the fact that the manual claims we should get 122 Kbytes of
extra memory. Any suggestion/explanation on this ?
Thank You very much.
dr. Armando Micheletti PHONE: +39 39 6035380
FAB.8 Information Technology Manager FAX: +39 39 6035529
SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics srl E.MAIL: armando.micheletti@st.com
via Carlo Olivetti 2 - Agrate Brianza, Italy
User: KlausAurer (aurer&partner gemany)
Email: KlausAurer@aol.com
Message: PenRight!-Application for E HT-30
Is there any boddy who has an PenRight! (code)-example for the EPSON EHT-30, bcause I have sam eproblems to run my applkation on these machine. Thanks! Klaus
User: Annick Berghman
Email: berghman@linknet.net
Message: penright developer needed
Are there any Penright programmers in Louisiana???
My boss want somebody here in Louisiana. Programmers
located somewhere else are also welcome to answer.
We will need somebody anyway.
User: Brian Hollcroft
Email: hollcrb@vnet.ibm.com
Message: Found a bug.
During application development I have discovered an error in the PenRight documentation.
In the API reference guide version A, issue date May 1995 for PenRght! for Windows, on
page 2-26 in the description for ReturnFromForm, it states "This function erases the
currently active form, pops the last form Id off of the form stack, and generates a
frmOpenEvent for this form." Unfortunately, this is not true. I was having memory
problems with my app so I implemented a memory saving procedure mentioned on this site
which called for calling FreeForm upon each window's winExitEvent to free the memory the
window uses. This requires each form's data to be reloaded which wasn't a problem because
I already had routines to do this tied to each form's frmOpenEvent. However, upon testing
the app, I discovered that the forms displayed blank when entered by a ReturnFromForm
and only displayed their data when entered by a goto form. At first this didn't seem like
a big problem as I could just change all my ReturnFromForm's to GotoForm's but then after
thinking about it for a while, this solution seems like it would eventually fill up and
overflow the form stack causing corruption. I think my final solution will be to go to
protected mode with PharLap. If anyone else has any similar bug discoveries or tips
and tricks, please email me.
Also, anyone have any idea when a new version of Penright! for Windows will be coming out?
Possibly with updated, improved, more thorough documentation.
User: David Herr
Email: dherr@co.montgomery.tx.us
Message: EMS Pen based software needed...
We are in the process of looking at different software providers who may have an application available for the Emergency Medical Services. We would like to deploy a pen based application for patient reporting that would provide real time data collection in the field and interface to our RS/6000 hosts over a RF TCP/IP connection. We have the RF component of the system in and working but now need an application. For more information contact me via E-Mail or phone at (409) 538-8145 or FAX at (409) 538-8189.
David Herr
Montgomery County, Texas
User: Cecilia
Email: cecilia@digitalfreedom.com
Message: TechCheck
No message.
User: Christophe Labbe
Email: labbe@ci.montrouge.wm.slb.com
Message: Programming with Penright! V3.6 on a PC with WIN95
I have had a lot of trouble of Memory using codestrt and penres since I put win95 on my computer
I tried booting with F8 and previous version of PC DOS but It doesn't work either...
Anybody has a solution ?
User: Mike Ricard
Email: Development@3cuk.co.uk
Message: Epson EHT 40 windows drivers
Does anybody know of any Windows drivers for the Epson EHT 40 handheld??
Penright for Windows is advertised as working on this computer - but how without the Windows drivers?
User: Chris Temple
Email: temple@penright.com
Message: PenRight! for Windows Capabilities on EHT-40
Chris Temple here from PenRight! marketing to explain the PenRight! for Windows v2.0 (PRW)
product and its capabilities. PRW v2.0 has the ability from within its visual Windows based
environment to create DOS, DOS Protected Mode and Windows applications from the same appliction
design. For instance if your creating an application for the EHT-40 you would definelty select
the DOS options when compiling your application.
By the way PenRight! for Windows 2.0 is in stock and is now shipping! If you or any PenRight!
forum participant haven't received the direct mail piece announcing the product and all
its new featuers please e-mail me your mailing address and I will make sure one is sent
to you immediately. If anyone has questions please feel free to email me.
Best regards,
Chris Temple
User: Bob Clegg
Email: bclegg@actrix.gen.nz
Message: Penright for DOS and C++
I have put together a EHT30 app using Penright for DOS.
Separately I have developed the business rules of the app in Borland C++ 4.51
I now am trying to link the two together in the IDE.
I get a raft of undefined symbol messages from the linker. All of which are Penright 'window' symbols.
This happens even if the penright c file is the only node in the project.
I can compile the node successfully with Borland IDE and then link it successfully at the command prompt using the Penright make file.
But I can't seem to get Borland to either generate a suitable make file or link the obj.
Would like to hear from anybody who has strung C++ objs and their Penright c obj together.
(yes my c obj successfully does a c++ compile.) It is only the linking that is stopping me.
User: bob clegg
Email: bclegg@actrix.gen.nz
Message: EHT30 && Borland C++
Having just been through the mill I thought others might appreciate the results.
Using Penright for DOS and Borland C++.
1) Don't use the BIDS for container classes. Write your own stack list etc. There is a documented bug that the DOS BIDS still make some windows calls. It causes murder and mayhem when to try to mate your C++ back end to the Penright Front End.
This applies for C++ 4.51, 4.52, 5.0ab, 5.02
2) If you are using 5.02 don't use the Rogue Wave STL as is for your containers, apparently the headers are for 32 bit apps. There is some sort of workaround but I had already written my own by then so never explored it.
3) How to get it all to go.
A) Alter Penright.h so that you can use c++ code. There is a doc on how to do it on the Penright Web site.
B)Pull a printout of the make file that your Penright front end generates.
Find the section of that specifies which penright libs are used and add those to your c++ project.
C) Add two new tools to your project (Options tools new) These are FrmBuild and RscBuild. You can see them and their command lines in the make file printout.
D) Add all of the .rsc files to your project.
E) Add your Penright c file to the project. At this point the project should compile and link.
(Both a c compile and a c++ compile for the penright c file should work.)
To join the Penright c file to your c++ business functions put a conditional compile statement in the global window of Penright codeestart. eg.
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include master.h
master.h contains global vars and functions which activate the c++ backend.
This means you can have a c++ maintest.cpp to test the functionality of the c++ code, when you are happy with c++ behaviour just delete testmain from the project and add your
Penright c back in. When you do a c++ compile of it it will hook in master.h and it shold all go.
User: Bob Clegg
Email: bclegg@actrix.gen.nz
Message: EHT30 & Borland C++
I have just succeeded in developing an app using the above.
It was disaster ridden and frustrating. All the problems were to do with which version of Borland C++ and how it was configured.
If anybody wants I can email them a sheet of the problems I found to save them some grief.
email me bclegg@actrix.gen.nz if interested.
User: Christophe Labbe
Email: labbe@ci.montrouge.wm.slb.com
Message: I have a bug need help...
A strange bug appeared in my application I have developped, sometimes ( and not often : that the problem
to find out the solution ) a field of a database I use is corrupted and a ASCII caracter '->'
appear in a field and cause some troubles to all the dbase file.
And sometimes instead of corrupting the field it changes a file name !
for instance last time it changed my "project.rsc" by "-> .rsc" and then cause a penright error
9021 ( of course... the name has changed... )
Could anyone tell me what kind of error caused that ?
Any Information would be greatly appreciated...
User: Luis F. Sierra
Email: dynasica@cozumel.czm.com.mx
Message: Dauphin DTR-1 Computer needing to be fixed since August 1991
Is there any kind and misericodious person to help me to find someone or
somewhere to get my Dauphin DTR-1 fixed, it seems to me that the video card
is misworking, because I can hear the hard drive movements to start the
windows environment when I turn the DTR-1 on.
I thanks very much for your kind help and I promise an superb diving trip in
Cozumel Island as a Reward.
User: Alexander
Email: drugov@ask.ru
Message: Price on norand pen*key 6100
Hello All !
Please! Send me the cost of 6100 norand pen*key computers!
Thanks. Alexander
User: leobo@acnet.net
Email: Carlos Elizondo
Message: Customizing the pop-up keyboard
I�m trying to customize the pop-up keyboard for an application to be used on a EHT-30,
but i don�t know what're the screen and the pen driver used for this plataform.
If there is a person who can help me, I�ll appreciate it.
User: Chris Temple
Email: temple@penright.com
Message: Customizing the pop-up keyboard in PenRight!
Are you interested in modifying the physical characteristics of the keyboard (size, look
and feel)or changing the functionality of the standard keyboard? PenRight! can assist you
with both requests but need to understand what it is you need and provide you with the
appropriate PenRight! directories for the customization process. Additionally, you will
need the appropriate PenRight! runtime license to run your application on the the EHT-30.
The runtime license can be purchased pre-loaded on a flash memory card (PC Card) or with
the standard PenRight! runtime package. One runtime license is to be purchased for each
handheld running PenRight! applications. I would suggest looking into the PC Card/PenRight!
bundle offer because of the ease of use and attractive cost savings. One last note; when
designing applications for the EHT-30, be aware that the version of DOS running on that
particular unit doesn't support some of the standard DOS calls required by the codebase
database libraries. As a result we suggest writing databases for the EHT-30 in a flat or
straight ASCII file format.
Chris Temple
PenRight! Corporation
User: Luca Luzzi
Email: lluzzi@val.it
Message: Pen key 6100disp.drv
I keep having trouble with the display driver of the pen-key , is there someone who can help ?
Wich is the latest display driver ?
User: Chris Temple
Email: temple@penright.com
Message: Casio�s Zoomer PDA Special - **NOW Only $135.00**
Casio Corp. has announced that PenRight! developers can now purchase Casio�s Zoomer PDA
for only $135.00. The Zoomer PDA has proven to be an effective low cost data collection
platform for PenRight! solution providers. The 1.8 MB, PC Card/PenRight! bundle is also
still available from Casio. For more information call PenRight!�s Chris Temple
(510) 249-6911 or Casio�s Scott Nelson (201) 361-5400 xt. 665.
Posted 8/15/97
User: weazill@hotmail.com
Email: greg
Message: chat
User: ronald colllins
Email: ron_collins_jr@juno.com
Message: HELP!
I know this isn't a DTR-1 forum but I need some help. Where can I find the pen used with the DTR-1?
User: DTR
User: kman
Email: karl@nomex.net
Message: using make from Borland C++ 4.5
Wondering if anyone can help me. I'm new to penright!
- Create a simple form (Sample from developers guide ver. 1.01)
- Generate code for windows
- Run make utility (Borland C++ 4.5) "Make -b -fsample1.mak"
- Execute program in windows (Runs perfectly)
- Now generate code for DOS
- Run make utility (Borland C++ 4.5) "Make -b -fsample1.mak"
When I try to execute in DOS I get "Initialization error: 9000
How Come?
Thanks in advance if anyone knows
User: James A. Komenda
Message: PHARLAP
I am having a problem using Pharlap with my project, I have down loaded all of the files from penright and have followed the instructions but when I go to execute my project I get a general protection fault error. The error happens only when I try to write a message to the comport using the DcmWritePort command. If anyone out there has encountered this problem or has a fix please respond!!!!
User: Yulin Yin
Email: jihchian@aol.com
Message: need help!
I am developping a application for EHT-30. In my autoexec.bat file, I loaded ink2.exe
before I loaded the penright TSRs. But when I tried to run my application, I always got
error 9100, which means pointing driver not found, can anyone help me?
best regards
User: Richard Jordan
Email: rjordan@nationalcachecard.com
Message: Epson
is there a runtime for the Epson EHT-40? And if so how much?
User: Jim Halkias
Email: jph@microserve.net
I have some brand new NCR 3125 penpads for sale. 4meg ram, 22meg ide hd, dos and pen windows loaded, batery, ac adapter, port replicator includes vga, serial, parallel, keyboard, mouse ports, carrybag and more. $199 NEW
Same thing but GRID w/8meg ram, 1.44fd, etc. $199 used
IBM Thinkpad 710T's 486 12meg ram, new w/accesories $399
Jim 717-230-9000
fax 717-230-9331
User: lilizhi
Email: lilizhi@www,unicom.com.cn
Message: Idont know
Dear editor:
I am a Chinese ,snd these is my first time here .Idon't know what should to say ,I just
want sth.can help my English.thsnk you very much .
Email: promotor@mer1.uninet.net.mx
Message: help!!!!
I�m really having a bad time trying to trasport penright software from my pc to a Pad (Kalidor k 2000), which are the file I should copy in it?, do I ned to add something to the config.sys or autoexec.bat????, every time I try to run the aplication in the Kalidor i get:
"Cannot open the system resource file"
"Penright initialitation error 9005"
I wonder where in all the avalilable help is "error 9005"
User: Chris Temple
Email: temple@penright.com
Message: Porting application to the Kalidor
Salvador when porting your application to the Kalidor you need PenRight!'s operating environment to be loaded on the
target hand-held. I suggest contacting PenRight! for more information at (510) 249-6900.
User: vandana Kulkarni
Email: vandana@hiso.honeywell.com
Message: penright for germen
First of all i wanted to now whether penright for DOS supports german . if so i wanted to now
How to create a penright form in germen. and is there any fonts specific to germen.if so how many are there.
Email: promotor@mer1.uninet.net.mx
Message: "Not enough memory to run aplication"
First of all, I want to thank you Mr. Temple for the past help lines, but now I�m getting a new error mess. "Not enough memory to run aplication". Why ?, My hand held is a Kalidor k2000 this has something to do with the Penrigth`s operating enviroment.
I have another problem, How can I browse a DB in Penrigth, I want to see many registers at the same time nor secuencially!. I will realli apreciate your hellp.
User: Adrian Arreola
Email: orv7120@orvinet.com.mx
Message: A browse DB for Penright!
How can I browse a DataBase with Penright!?
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